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Money transfer issues


War schon mal da
I have serious issues with Trade Republic*. On 17th of March I sent money from the Netherlands to my Trade Republic account. It has been more than 1 month and my money is still not transferred, also not returned. I do not have any updates from Trade Republic and I am really concerned. The money is held on HSBC Continental but I cannot contact them. when I call them a very rude man answered the phone and told me not to call again. It is being a disaster experience for me and I am really worried about my money. Could anyone can help me regarding what can i do or has anyone else also experienced such a thing? Any suggestion/help would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards,


hi Arda,

I guess the way to open an account from the Netherlands is the same as it here is. You have gone thru this correctly without any troubles? is your account working in a particular way, or is it completely not usuable?
To call the bank is unfortunately not really helpfull, the issue is located at Trade Republic*, I think.

here in Germany there is an e-mail-address available to comply, beschwerde@traderepublic.com, maybe this will help.


War schon mal da
thanks for you reply. I did not have any issues with opening an account in the Netherlands, nor in Trade Republic*. The issue is regarding the transaction and i never heard from that. I would give details or provide documents if they asked me to, however i do not have any updates other than the money is held at HSBC Continental. It is a nightmare experience..



My pleasure.
To understand it correctly so far: you have transferred money to that account which is shown in your account details of TR*?
In the app in the left upper corner there's a button with a letter in it, which is the access to your account data. There you'll find the IBAN of the bank where to transfer the money.
After opening an account at TR, often new users use the wrong IBAN, the IBAN from where TR send you 1 ct to you to be shure, that you are no bot. Do NOT use this! Thats very important, coz' it won't work!

in this case I recommend to send an email to TR using the address which i wrote down. Crossing fingers!


War schon mal da
yes, i double checked it now and it matches. the names are also 100% match. TR* customer service confirmed my money is held at hsbc and will be turned back eventually. But its been again 2 weeks after that news and still nothing.


how nerving is that! I think you should write TR* again and again, until they start to move ;)
mayby it could speed up that, if you are threaten them with regress.
In Germany we have the BaFin, an official government agency (Bundesamt für Finanzdienstleistungen=Federal Office for Financial Services). They take care of complaintments.
Do yod have such in NL as well?

PS fijne Koningsdag! :)
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